Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tierra Pacifica HOA Directory Coming Soon!

The "Tierra Pacifica HOA Directory" is in the works! Joan, our HOA President, solicited lot owner input a while back in order to help us compile a directory of HOA members. This is a voluntary listing for the purpose of information and networking. Only those HOA members in good standing who submitted their information will be included. In addition, the directory will only be distributed to those who submitted their information. It's not too late to be included. If you would like to add your information to the soon-to-be-released directory, you may submit your information to me directly at: dakaleta@sbcglobal.net

Information to be included: Lot number; owner name(s); co-owner name(s), if applicable; children's names and ages; hometown; e-mail address; and phone number(s) (home and in Costa Rica, if applicable). *Note: We did not solicit this information previously, but now ask that you consider including the following with your submission: House constructed on lot? yes/no; house available for rent? yes/no; owner(s) job title (and business contact information, if desired); any other relevant information you would like to have included.


Lot #12: "Casa Kaleta"
Rob and Dana Kaleta (Claire, 16; Robert, 18)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
rkaleta@sbcglobal.net (Rob); dakaleta@sbcglobal.net (Dana)
(414) 961-1622 (US home); (506) 8353-5699 (CR cell)
house constructed; private rentals
Rob: university administrator
Dana: environmental educator

Don't forget: Make your plans to attend the HOA Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 22nd at 9:00 am at Club Arbol.

Do you plan to attend the HOA Annual Meeting? Comment in response to this post to let others know you plan to attend! Plans for a casual HOA member gathering are in the works for those in attendance. RSVP to help us anticipate numbers.

NOTE related to reading this blog: Follow new posts on this blog easily, without having to look up the URL every time you want to check for new posts. Simply click on the word "Follow" on the right hand side of the screen under the heading "HOA Members/Blog followers" and sign up. Your personal info can be kept hidden, but you will receive an e-mail notification with each new blog entry.

Want to comment on a post? Simply click on the word "Comment" after the related post and type in your personal comments. Once you post your comments, they will be moderated (to ensure that no spam enters the blog and that comments were posted by an actual HOA member), then posted.

Don't forget to send those "Tierra Pacifica HOA Directory" submissions today!

Pura Vida!

Dana Kaleta
Tierra Pacifica HOA Secretary

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